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Showing posts from February, 2012

How to Connect Data Source and Display data in Windows form by using C#.NET

The main objective of Windows-based programming is to create applications that are linked to databases, have user-friendly interfaces (Windows forms), and are capable of running on most platforms. The C# language having this capability by creating winforms to connecting data sources using ADO.NET technology.

Upload File to an FTP Server By using FtpWebRequest Class in C#.NET

In System.Net namespace the FtpWebRequest class is used for implementing a File Transfer Protocol(FTP) client . By using Credentials property first the .NET framework connect to FTP Server then The Create method is creates the file with same name as we selected by browse button, After that the file is reading by using OpenRead() method of FileStream class to a buffer, And then the buffer data is sequentially copied to FTP server File.

A Simple Windows Forms Application to Send an E-Mail

The Microsoft .NET framework provides two namespaces, System.Net and System.Net.Sockets for managed implementation of Internet protocols that applications can use to send or receive data over the Internet .The   SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is using for sending email from C# code.  The Below application is used to Describe How to send a mail from Gmail account using C# code.